Donald Trump: Americans Are The 'Real Threat,' Not Russia
He keeps doing this.
The Putin wing of the GOP is in the minority. A new poll from Gallup shows diminishing support for Russia in the U.S., dropping from 15% holding a favorable view to 9%. And 68% in the U.S. view Ukraine favorably.
Well, yeah. Of course. As it happens, aggressively invading a country while bombing hospitals and maternity rooms while raping women and children isn't popular. Oh, and Russia has kidnapped countless numbers of Ukrainian children, too.
But if you're Donald Trump, Russia is super cool and not a threat. And his Vladykins is an alpha male!
The former President is having another Helsinki moment. Trump was slammed in 2018 after he stood next to Putin, and a reporter asked him if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies or the Russian President when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.
Thursday, he did it again.
The former President posted a video on Truth Social saying exactly what he said before. Trump slammed all U.S. intelligence agencies and the American people, saying Russia isn't a threat to this country. He tore into NATO.
"The greatest threat to western civilization today is not Russia; it's probably more than anything else, ourselves, and some of the horrible USA-hating people that represent us," he said.
He's just a shameless man. He would let Russia completely destroy Ukraine while sending Vlad some love-eye emojis. Then he'd go hide in his bunker until the war was over. What an embarrassment. This is the first President in my lifetime that has publicly shown disdain and hatred for the U.S.