Florida Widow, 100, Tells School Board: 'Fear Is Not Freedom'

Grace Linn, a 100 year old widow speaks out against Florida's book banning.

Grace Linn is a 100 year old widow who lives in Martin County, Florida. She went to the Martin School District Board meeting to speak truth to power against the book banning which has run amok in her state.

She told the board how she lost her husband in World War II when he was fighting the Nazis, who also were miserable book banners and book burners.

Banning books and burning books are the same. Both are done for the same reason - fear of knowledge.

Fear is not freedom. Fear is not liberty. Fear is control.

Linn went on to spell it out for them that the Nazis wanted to ban books and burn books as a way to control the people. Without saying it in so many words, she implicitly compared the people banning books in Florida to the Nazis.

She's not wrong.

We need more Grace Linns. We need to be Grace Linn. Regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or race, we need to stand up to these wannabe overlords and stare them down.

Fear is not freedom.

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