Fox Anchor Complains To Comer: You Got Nothing On Biden
Ruh-Roh! Fox News is not happy with GOP investigations into the Bidens.
No Fox News anchor spontaneously criticizes a Republican committee chair, much less the chair of the powerful House Oversight Committee. So when America’s Newsroom anchor Bill Hemmer expressed exasperation at Oversight Chair James Comer, you can best believe that Fox brass had planted the talking point in Hemmer’s mouth.
Hemmer seemed skeptical throughout his 5:31 interview with Comer both of his claims to have dirt on a “new” Biden family member and the value of newly subpoenaed Hunter Biden financial documents going back 14 years.. That was underscored at the end, when Hemmer said, “It’s rather incendiary and we’ll see whether or not you’re on to something. Again, five years investigating, nothing just yet.”
It's not clear whether Hemmer was expressing disapproval of the Hunter Biden investigation, itself, which is not very popular with the public, expressing impatience with the lack of results, or whether Hemmer was acting on some new Fox directive to have its “news” division become a slightly bigger fig leaf for its propaganda operation, now that the latter has been exposed so brutally by the Dominion defamation suit.
Whatever the reason, Fox is clearly telling Comer to put up or shut up on the Biden investigations.