GOP Lawmaker On Free Lunch For Hungry Kids: It's Not Our Problem

The proposed bill would have provided free lunches to all school children, but it died at 23 to 24. How pro-life of them.

I'm starting to see a trend with Republicans lately with kids getting free lunches at school; they don't give a damn. But if a ten-year-old girl is impregnated by her rapist, she should be forced to give birth without knowing how to care for it, or feed it and she's too young to work. I will go out on a limb here to suggest they are hypocrites.

We reported on Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski saying earlier this month that they shouldn't pass the bill for free lunch for schoolchildren because "I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry,"

And then there was millionaire Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire who said, "School lunches are not going to solve the problem of child hunger at any serious level," adding, "It does not take that much money to feed a child."

Now we have North Dakota State Sen. Mike Wobbema, who stepped up to the mic to take a crap on the poors, too.

"I can understand kids going hungry, but is that really the problem of the school district?" he asked. "Is that the problem of the state of North Dakota? It's really the problem of parents being negligent with their kids, if their kids are choosing to eat in the first place."

That's so fucking insulting. Are kids not supposed to "choose to eat"? He's saying it's the parent's fault, so let's not feed hungry kids so they can be better students and grow up to be taxpaying contributors to society. And maybe the parent is out of work and trying to find a job. He said that Republicans are the party of "personal responsibility," but their reaction to the Jan. 6 insurrection disproves that.

Well, let's talk about Wobbema's parents. It's their fault he's an irredeemable piece of shit. It works both ways.

H/T: Heartland Signal

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