GOP Lawmaker: I've Never Met Any Poors, So Kids Don't Need Free Lunch
"I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry," he said.
Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski is going viral, and he has some explaining to do. According to Sen. FuckMuppet, his state should not pass a bill to provide free school breakfast and lunch to children because he's never met any poors.
"I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry," Drazkowski said before voting on the legislation. "I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that says they don't have access to enough food to eat."
"Now, I should say that hunger is a relative term," added Drazkowski. "I had a cereal bar for breakfast. I guess I'm hungry now."
Ohhhhh. Well, there is poverty in Minnesota, and he should know that. It's not hard to Google. Or he could get in his car and drive around to see for himself.
MinnPost reported last year:
More than 20% of African-Americans and nearly 30% of Native Americans in Minnesota were in poverty. Six of the 23 regions examined had poverty rates higher than 10% and over 10% of Minnesotans age 65-plus were in poverty.
The bill's author, Democratic Sen. Heather Gustafson, said, "Roughly 1 in 6 children are food insecure — that means they don't know when and where their next meal will be available if they get one at all."
"Being hungry makes learning almost impossible," Gustafson said. "Let's feed the kids."
Drazkowski called the bill "pure socialism," adding, "This is about the government dictating to kids what they're going to eat and how much they're going to eat."
Yeah, no. That's not what that bill is, you weirdo.
UPDATE: This response from chef José Andres is perfect: