GOP Lawmaker Says Genocide Was A Both-Sides Situation

Minnesota State Senator Steve Drazkowski is back at it, waving his white privilege all over the place.

Coming hot off his foolishness about never having seen a hungry person in Minnesota, Minnesota Republican State Senator Steve Drazkowski strikes again.

During a discussion about the education curriculum regarding the genocide of Native Americans in Minnesota, Drazkowski wanted to know if they would also be discussing the white genocide victims:

"I'm not a historian of Minnesota, but I do understand that the genocides between the white people and the Indians going back included several genocides each way."

It needs to be mentioned that Drazkowski has the Prairie Island Indian Community in his district. Needless to say, community members are not pleased, both with his referring to them as "the Indians" but the ridiculous notion that they were committing genocide against the white people stealing their land and their lives.

They also complained that Drazkowski referred to them as "privileged" because white people like him "let" the Native Americans sit on commissions and committees.

I'm mildly surprised that Drazkowski didn't go so far as to demand statues be built to Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer and other US Cavalry "heroes" who died trying to wrest the land (and the gold within it) away from the Native Americans, much like the South had statues every where to honor Confederate "heroes." Oh well, just give him time.

H/T Tengrain

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