Insurrectionist Ali Alexander: ‘I’m A Man To Be Revered’

Stop the Steal organizer (and felon) Ali Alexander says he wants children but should not have to raise them because he and his work are so incredibly awesome and important.

Alexander made his self-aggrandizing comments while musing about having children one day.

“I want to participate in children’s lives,” Alexander said, “but I don’t want to raise children, I want to do my work.” He went on to imagine his children complaining that he doesn’t give them the attention they deserve, adding, “That’s cool, you know it’s like whatever. And, you know, I’m not a modern man.”

“I’m a great man, too,” Alexander continued. “So, I’m a man for the classics. You know, I’m a man to be revered and written about.”

It’s not clear what kind of Great And Important work Alexander does or plans to do. His Twitter bio merely says, “I advise powerful deciders and influential organizations.”

I doubt Alexander is talking about his previous work that made him a convicted felon. He pleaded guilty to felony property theft in 2007 and felony credit card abuse in 2008. Since then, he became an insurrectionist, testified for hours to the Jan. 6 committee, referred people to his legal defense fund from his Twitter account and claimed to be a top confident to Hitler-loving Kanye West.

Alexander got one thing right, though. He’s likely to be written about in the future. But revered? Hahaha, hard no.

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