John Oliver Takes On TANF And The Brett Favre Scandal

"TANF lifts people out of poverty ... which is to say it just drops them right back where they started and the whole process is a whole fuck you to kids," Oliver said.

John Oliver talks about TANF and how Americans are treated like they're lazy and stupid by the welfare system. Via Deadline:

But the main segment was on Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF), the program designed to help needy families achieve self-sufficiency. He pointed out the involvement of Brett Favre and Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.

“Basically, TANF lifts people out of poverty, the same way one of those arcade claw games lifts stuffed animals out of the machine, which is to say it just drops them right back where they started and the whole process is a whole fuck you to kids,” he said.

But Oliver was evidently giddy at the Work Makes The Difference album from the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services, which he described as We Are The World if it “fucked a cheap motivational poster.”

“It is genuinely difficult to stop talking about this album,” he added.

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