Mona Charen Tries To 'Both Sides' Election Denialism

Hashtag fail, Mona!

I always love it when a Never Trumper Republican (oh, sorry, former Republican, sure) uses the term "both sides." It means I'll never run out of content for my podcast.

So Wednesday night Mona Charen is on our liberal television with Chris Hayes talking about the Fox audiences' appetite for LIES.

CHRIS HAYES: If you have people who are already distrustful, to then be that cynical to those same people, feels like extra disrespectful, in a way. But it's also the enabling condition of all the huckster-ism that beset the American Right right now. It's the perfect set of marks.

MONA CHAREN: I think it's on both sides. I don't think the right is necessarily more vulnerable to this in general. Although lately, because they have had an entire ecosystem devoted to lying, they now have become marks. But I can remember a time when people on the Left were also eager to fertilize. Remember, after the 2004 election, a lot of people were questioning the Diebold voting machines.

CHRIS HAYES: I find a lot of, I agree, I find the development culturally matters. I think about, all the time, is 9/11, a 9/11 truther, and are you could not move in left-wing circles after 9/11 and not encounter it. It was at every protest. And the thing is, the first time I wrote for The Nation magazine, I wrote that this was not true. Because in the end, even if the audience doesn't want to hear it, it was incumbent to tell the truth to them. You can go look it up on thenation.com website. But that's what it comes down to, is whether you do that or not, in the end, and what you have to say to St. Peter in the end. Not to get overly religious, Mona Charen, thank you very much.

Mona, Mona, Mona. Don't bring your convenient 2004 tidbit to a memory battle with this blogger. Because I can remember LOTS of things.

Sure, I remember some bloggers questioning voting machines in 2004. Liberal bloggers who do things like, demand an investigation.

I don't remember John Kerry telling us to storm the Capitol building, shit in the hallways, and beat up as many cops as we could find.

There was a peaceful protest called "Turn Your Back on Bush," at his second inauguration, at which there were ZERO "Hang Dick Cheney" ropes on the Capitol Rotunda. Never happened, Mona.

I also remember...


Election interference is a Republican tradition that has lasted my entire life, Mona, and the memory hole it inspires in Republicans like you, is just sad.

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