Trump Gloats Over News Of Kellyanne And George Conway's 'DIVORCE'

He's just an awful person with no redeemable qualities.

Former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social after 1:00 am to gloat over the fact that former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway is getting a divorce from her husband, George, a noted critic of the one-term president. The couple shares four children, and they've been married since 2001. Divorce is an excruciating and personal thing to go through, and now the Conways have Trump to rub salt in their wounds.

"Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway," Trump gleefully wrote. "Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck. She is a great person and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves…and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!"

According to Page Six, George Conway's criticism of Trump didn't help their marriage. In Lyin' Kellyanne's 2022 memoir "Here's the Deal," she said that she considered George's steady barrage of criticism of Trump a betrayal of their marriage, calling it "cheating by tweeting." She went on to say that Ivanka Trump had suggested couples therapy.

Their relationship was very troubled, especially with Kellyanne working for the thin-skinned narcissist.

At one point, Trump tweeted of George, "I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!"

That put Kellyanne in an odd position. Still, she defended Trump and not her husband. She said that Trump was "punching back" after her husband suggested the now-former president was mentally ill. And to confirm that Trump is mentally ill, he's gloating about a couple's divorce.


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