Why Won't The Media Talk About The KGB And The NY FBI?

In this interview, Craig Unger, author of "American Kompromat," shares the goods about Trump's betrayal of his country, and his relationships with the NY FBI office.

The history of the KGB's cultivating Trump and Trump's cultivating the New York FBI seems as unbelievable as an episode of The Americans. But there it is, it's in plain sight, and has been corroborated by multiple sources.

Yet the media still refuses to give it the kind of thorough airing it requires as the GOP, NRA, Fox News and so much of the right has become enthralled with, and seemingly owned by, Vladimir Putin and his friendly oligarchs.

In this interview, Craig Unger, author of "American Kompromat," shares the goods about Trump's betrayal of his country, and his relationships with the NY FBI office that led James Comey to give a press conference that likely gave Trump the presidency and more. Harrowing, but necessary to learn from if we're going to make it out of this period of time as anything resembling a democracy.

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