10 Amazing Biden Successes: What The Media Won't Tell You

Joe Biden got this all done, and more.

When you actually sit down and look at the things accomplished by President Joe Biden, it becomes even more clear what liars right-wing media are, and how unbelievably the mainstream media has failed us.

All-time job creation records? Groundbreaking passage of prescription drug benefits nobody could get done for a generation? A revived NATO, post carrot-colored ghoul? The most diversity among our judges ever? Incredible investments in climate and COVID shots in arms in what might have been the most successful mass vaccination program in history, all in the face of a right-wing machine lying non-stop about so-called dangers that didn't exist?

Joe Biden got this all done, and much more. Cliff Schecter gives us the Top 10 list, some which you've probably never heard of, because, again, our media. A must-watch video to share with allies and use to fight lying MAGAs, every single time.

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