Bartiromo And Ted Cruz Might Want To Lawyer Up. Is Rudy Available?

Doesn't she have a job to do besides plot to overthrow elections?

Many of us have been wondering who will get canned next on Fox News. Some thought it would be Judge Box O'Wine, while others speculated it would be Sean Hannity. But now I think it will be Maria Bartiromo after MSNBC's Ari Melber aired new audio of the Fox pundit plotting with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about who will appoint someone to decide the 2020 election.

Well, we, the people, decide that, and not a lazy Texas Republican or a conspiracy theorist pundit from Fox News. Melber walked us through it.

"He's just talking to someone who he sees as an ally in this cause, Maria Bartiromo, in advance, about overthrowing the race with this fake commission and using the claims of fraud, which, remember, on tape Ted Cruz said were not standing up in court," the MSNBC host said.

"Who's deciding who gets inaugurated?" the Fox host can be heard asking Cruz.

"It would be the results of the commission, and what they find, and if they found credible evidence of fraud that undermines confidence in the electoral results in any given state, they would report on that," Cruz said.

"He admits it," Melber said.

"You heard the question — who decides who gets inaugurated? That's what this is all about. You have a certified winner. You have the courts having passed up any potential challenge," Melber continued. "So, at that point, it was President-elect Biden, and Cruz answers this fake, made-up commission he and his Trump buddy were planning to create to bureaucratize a coup."

"That's what they were trying to do. That was his answer. That's how they were trying to steal the race," he added. "The references to fraud, we know, one, he didn't believe in those we have that on tape. B. more importantly, the judges and fact-finding we have in the country didn't find there was that kind of fraud, and then 3. That's all just talk anyway because they're literally trying to steal it for Trump, so all the words in the middle are just the words to get there."

All this talk about a stolen election from Republicans is projection at an IMAX level. And they did all of this in a failed attempt to cling to power.

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