Biden Takes A Hilarious Shot At Marge And Elon Musk At WHCD


Last night at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, President Biden took a shot at just about everyone, including himself. He zinged Tucker Carlson, Don Lemon, Elon Musk, Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Kevin McCarthy. Biden is good at self-deprecating jokes, too.

He took a few jabs about his age. Then he took a swipe at controversial Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

"You say I'm over the hill," he said. "Don Lemon would say, that's a man in his prime."

"Folks, it's wonderful to be back here again, proving I haven't learned a damn thing," the President continued. "I want everybody to have fun tonight, but please be safe."

"If you find yourself disoriented or confused, it's either you're drunk or Marjorie Taylor Greene," he said.

"Pam, thank you for hosting us," Biden continued. "I love NPR because they whisper into the mic like I do. But not everybody loves NPR."

"Elon Musk tweeted that it should be defunded," he added. "Well, the best way to make NPR go away is for Elon Musk to buy it."

We are back. During Trump's one term in office, he did not attend the annual event like most presidents. That's probably because his narcissistic brain can't handle being made fun of, even though this is a yearly roast where no one is spared.

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