DeSantis Super PAC Makes Trump An Offer To Move Out Of Florida

I don't think California wants him, though.

The Pro-DeSantis Super Pac 'Never Back Down' has an offer for Donald Trump after the former President trashed Florida. The message is: if you hate Florida get as far away from the state as you can, and they'll pay for it. But Trump will have a lot to move, and perhaps hundreds of boxes of stolen classified documents, too, which might be costly.

It all started with an email from Trump spokesman Steven Cheung.

Trump's campaign claimed that Florida is "among the worst" states to raise a family, work and retire, according to the Herald-Tribune.

"The real DeSantis record is one of misery and despair," Cheung said. "He has left a wake of destruction all across Florida and people are hurting because he has spent more time playing public relations games instead of actually doing the hard work needed to improve the lives of the people he represents."

"Under Ron DeSantis, Florida has become among the worst states… to live… find economic opportunity… work… retire… raise a family… pay taxes…be safe… rent a home… have a baby… afford energy… die… be a teacher… be a doctor… be a police officer... for millennials... for working dads [and] for working moms," the email added.

CEO of Never Back Down, Chris Jankowski, didn't appreciate that very much.

"Donald Trump has so deeply disparaged the state of Florida by calling it the 'worst state,' we at Never Back Down will help him leave by offering financial assistance to help him move to his beloved California, so he can be close to his good buddy Gavin Newsom, whom he loves so intensely and gets along with so well," the statement reads.

"The good news is that since so many people are moving to the state of Florida, thanks to the incredible success of Governor Ron DeSantis, no one will notice when Trump leaves," he added. "The state of Florida will be better off when Trump takes his Soros-fueled, dumpster fire of a campaign to San Francisco, where it will fit right in."

I wonder if the Super PAC backed Trump when he was in office. Who knows. And I suppose Never Back Down is trying to disparage California, a state with the largest sub-national economy in the world. Most of us would prefer a President who doesn't lash out at blue or red states. We went through that for four long years. But fight amongst yourselves, guys.

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