Lordy, There Are Secret Tapes Of Giuliani On Dominion

Ex-Fox Producer says there are tapes of Rudy saying 2020 was not stolen. Rudy is going to need a lawyer.

Abby Grossberg, the former Tucker Carlson producer fired by the network, claims in amended legal complaints filed on Tuesday that there are secret Fox audio recordings of former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani and other Trump allies. Grossberg has accused Fox News of pressuring her to give false testimony in the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit.

In the tapes, Giuliani allegedly admits that there is no evidence of the 2020 presidential election being stolen. This is disgusting because Giuliani knew the election was legit, and so did Trump. And Fox News knew, too.

The Daily Beast reports:

Grossberg, who is suing the conservative network for harassment and a toxic work environment, claims that the behind-the-scenes conversations with Giuliani, former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and Trump campaign officials featured them admitting they had no evidence to support their Dominion election fraud lies.

Additionally, she says an adviser of former President Donald Trump pointed out the importance of January 6 weeks before the Capitol attacks, noting that the adviser said there were “no issues” with voting machines and January 6 was now the “backstop” for determining the election.

Once a senior booking producer for pro-Trump Fox News host Maria Bartiromo before moving to Carlson’s show, Grossberg filed two lawsuits against Fox News last month alleging that the network’s lawyers tried to coerce her into falsely testifying in Dominion’s defamation case. She claims that the network sought to make her and Bartiromo scapegoats in the bombshell lawsuit, all while deflecting blame from Fox executives.

I hope she buries them in court.

In her motions to amend her complaints against Fox News on Tuesday, Grossberg claimed that in preparation for their appearances on Bartiromo’s weekend Fox News show, she had recorded multiple conversations with Giuliani and Powell following the 2020 election. Those discussions, which were heard by the network’s control room, were recorded by Grossberg using Otter—a transcription device popular with journalists.

During a recording in mid-November 2020, according to Grossberg, Giuliani admitted to Bartiromo that the Trump campaign couldn’t prove some of its Dominion allegations. Asked by Bartiromo what evidence he had implicating Dominion in rigging the election, Giuliani allegedly said “that’s a little harder.” He also conceded that he had no evidence to back up the conspiracy theory that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had an interest in Dominion. “I’ve read that. I can’t prove that,” he said.

They all knew the election wasn't stolen—all of them.

Perhaps most damning, however, is a December recording between Grossberg, Bartiromo, and someone described as a “high-ranking advisor to and spokesperson for President Trump and the Trump 2020 presidential campaign.” The campaign official, according to the amended complaint, admitted “there were in fact no issues” with any purportedly fraudulent voting machines in Georgia.

“More broadly, however, the Trump advisor stated that the purpose of the call was to highlight the importance of the impending January 6th date as the true ‘backstop’ for determining the validity of the election, as this was ultimately the date when the House and Senate would count the electoral votes,” Grossberg’s complaint reads. “The Trump advisor voiced their concern to Ms. Bartiromo that there had been “virtually no pick up of the January 6th date” in the media.”

Every single one of those ratfuckers lied to the American people, from Fox News to Bartirmo to Giuliiani to Donald J. Trump. And that big lie has been spoonfed to the masses, and it's too late to turn it around. Trump supporters still believe it even though Fox News has been caught red-handed lying about the election.

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