Fox Host: Darn Those Meddling, Commie Kids!

Fox Host Rachel Campos Duffy blames the events in Tennessee on communist indoctrination of our kids.

Kids these days. They're catching the blame for all of the Republican woes. Scott Walker blamed those kids who were brainwashed by liberal indoctrination for the utter rejection of his hand-picked candidate for the state Supreme Court.

Now, Fox host Rachel Compost Duffy, runs with the same thing but also doctors it up with a healthy dose of communism-themed conspiracy. The panel of Compost Duffy, Will Cain and Joey Jones were trying to defend the indefensible stunts going on in Tennessee, when she came out with this doozy:

Rachel: Here's where AOC is right. That's a communist symbol with their fists up, by the way. That is a communist symbol.. She's right, get ready. this Gen Z is far more radicalized from kindergarten on,before radicalization was happening in the college. And this is a new generation and we're all in trouble. And these are the people going into our law schools, they're going into congress. These are young here and they do think that they're righteous and don't think they have to play by the rules that we talked about in this democratic process, in this constitutional republic because they're so convinced that they are right. And they have been so radicalized, they've basically gone to communist camp for over a dozen years.. Then they come out and we wonder why they're acting like communists.. Well, they just went to communist camp.

First, let's get the trivia out of the way. A raised fist gesture has been traced back to paintings about the French revolution, which happened a helluva long time before the birth of communism. It's been used throughout history in struggles against fascism, including racial equality, gender equality, workers rights, and so on.

As for Tennessee, look at what actually happened. The GOP brown shirts refused to recognize the Tennessee Three because they had the audacity to stand with their constituents. In other words, they were doing their jobs. They only broke the laws after these asshats tried to silence them. Then the white robes and hoods were donned and the racists expelled the two Black men for being all uppity. The nerve! Wanting to be treated like humans and being allowed to talk!

One does not need to have any ideology other than right vs wrong to see the problem is not with the two Black lawmakers but with the white men holding their boots to the Black men's necks.

On a tangent, if you look at the whole conversation, it sure does sound like they are making a case for expelling the J6 rioting Congresscritters like MTG, Lauren Boebert, and the rest. I'd be all for that!

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