Godless Man Vows To Bring God Back To Government

He's a very confused man!

Former President Donald Trump is facing a rape trial next week. He's also been impeached twice and indicted once -- so far. At least 26 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct since the 1970s. Trump is a liar and a grifter. The one-term President isn't known for regularly attending church like the Bidens do. Trump is also a porn star-banging adulterer.

But he wants evangelical voters to back him again. And they probably will if he's nominated.

"Under my leadership, we will bring back God to our schools and our public squares, and that will happen very quickly," he vowed.

"On day one, we will begin to find the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the Federal Department of Education, and we will have them escorted from the building," he added.

Conservatives have expanded their culture wars to the Department of Education. Trump is latching onto that.

He should be more concerned with his rape trial that stems from columnist E. Jean Carroll's allegations that Trump raped her in late 1995 or early 1996 in the dressing room of a luxury Manhattan department store. That trial is right around the corner. Maybe Rudy Giuliani can represent him, or is he disbarred now?

If God is all-powerful then why would He need Trump's help?

The only god Trump worships is himself anyway.

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