Missouri Man Demands Steak At Gunpoint
Larry Gene Gay, 70, of Springfield is alleged to have held the gun to the Price Cutter's employee's throat after the meat department was closed.
I mean, why even own a gun if you can't get preferential service at your local meat counter? Right? According to the article, Gay was being held at the Greene County Jail on a $50,000 bond.
Source: Ozark First
On April 18, Republic Police Department officers were called to a Price Cutter to respond to a call about a robbery in which a man held an employee at gunpoint so that he would be served meat.
Larry Gene Gay, 70, of Springfield, is charged with one felony count of unlawful use of a weapon and a felony count of armed criminal action.
In an interview, Gay said he went to Price Cutter to buy steaks. He told the “good man” who was helping him that they needed to weigh the steaks. However, the meat department was closed. Gay said at that point, he showed his gun “Just to say I’m not stealing. I need you here to help me to get a couple of these steaks. I’m not going to hurt you.”The officer asked Gay why he thought the people in the store called police and told them he was threatening them with his gun.
“I don’t know,” Gay said in the interview. “I have no idea.”
The store employee had an idea why.
“Once he held the gun to my throat — pushed it into my throat — I decided to comply,” the employee told police.