Morning Joe: Trump's Poll Numbers Dropping 'Like A Rock'

Seems like his indictment bothers normal people.

Morning Joe had some good news for Democrats this morning: Trump's popularity numbers are dropping fast. Wheee!

"Speaking of Trump and elections, Republican senators want him to stay away from the races in 2024 following losses by his hand-picked candidates during the last cycle," Mika Brzezinski said.

"If his legal issues don't take him off the ballot, maybe his poll numbers will. A new survey shows he is losing support rapidly, dropping like a rock."

"Willie, his favorability ratings have never been great, nor the job approval ratings when you look at the favorability ratings, when we sit here talking about all the things he is doing and wondering why it doesn't seem to catch up to him, he now has a favorability rating that's collapsed down to 25%," Joe Scarborough said.

"He actually lost more percentage points post-indictment. All the ABC News/Ipsos poll showed was what Chris Christie said: There's no such thing as a good indictment. People say, 'It'll help him,' you look up and down on this ABC poll, which I suspect will be like the other polls.

"It is all bad news for him, especially fact that only one in four Americans have a favorable impression of him."

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