Ohio GOP Senate Candidate Wants White People Paid Reparations From Civil War

Ladies and gentlemen, here's a Republican hoping to replace Sherrod Brown in the U.S. Senate.

Ladies and gentlemen, here's a Republican hoping to replace Sherrod Brown in the U.S. Senate. Apparently the way to get to the top of the heap in a GOP primary these days is just to be as openly and blatantly racist as humanly possible and hope you've got the Tucker Carlson/Trump wing of the party in your corner.

GOP Senate candidate suggests white people be paid reparations from the Civil War:

U.S. Senate hopeful Bernie Moreno believes that white descendants of Civil War soldiers who died during the battle are owed reparations. As some may recall from their days in school, the bloody battle between the Northern and Southern states broke out in 1861 when tensions between the territories reached a boiling point.


The Republican businessman is a native of Columbia, who, along with his family, legally emigrated to America when he was five years old. He is also known for his support of former President Donald Trump. On Friday (April 21), a clip from the GOP candidate’s April 18 event in Ohio began circulating. In it, Moreno lays out his argument for reparations.

“We stand on the shoulders of giants,” he began as he went on to name-drop John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington. “This group of people took on the largest empire in history and said, ‘No, we will not stand for this.’ And won. That same group of people later, white people died to free Black people.”

He continued, “They make it sound like America is a racist, broken country… You know, they talk about reparations. Where are the reparations for the people in the North who died to save the lives of Black people? And I know it’s not politically correct to say that, but we gotta stop being politically correct.” The eyebrow-raising claim has stirred a slew of responses from history buffs who said white people have been given more than their fair share of resources.

Sadly this is not from The Onion. Here are a few of the responses on Twitter to this guy's idiocy.

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