Poll: Kyrsten Sinema Has Virtually No Chance Of Winning Again
Nobody likes her, everybody hates her, she should go eat worms!
A new poll out of Arizona by a quality national pollster, Public Policy Polling, shows that Kyrsten Sinema loses re-election in virtually any potential matchup this November and is (shocker!) deeply unpopular among voters. Huh! Tell us more, Jezebel:
The survey results, first obtained by Jezebel via an internal Ruben Gallego campaign memo, show that just 27 percent of voters in the state view Sinema favorably and want her to run again, compared to 50 percent of Arizonans who view her unfavorably and 54 percent who say she shouldn’t run again. Rep. Gallego (D-Ariz.), her likely Democratic challenger, has a net positive favorability, with 39 percent of voters approving of him and 28 percent disapproving.
In any likely three-way matchup among Sinema, Gallego and whatever Republican candidate wins their primary, Sinema appears to have virtually no chance of winning. If the GOP candidate is election denier Kari Lake, for example, the new PPP survey shows that Gallego would pull in 42 percent of the vote, Lake 35 percent, and Sinema just 14 percent. The numbers are similar if you plug Jim Lamon or Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb in as the Republican candidate.
Sinema is trailing Gallego in terms of fundraising as well. She raised just $2.1M in Q1 compared to Gallego’s $3.7M, and just 0.3 percent of her donations were from small dollar donors, according to NBC News. Roughly a third of her haul came from just five companies, including hedge funds and private equity firms, whereas 98 percent of Gallego’s donations were from donors who pitched in less than $100.
I have to admit: I would miss making fun of her clown costumes. Oh well!