Russian Milblogger Goes Viral With Anti-Tank Miscue

The Russian “expert” said that the NATO weapon is a “piece of sh*t” as it hit him in the face. Turns out, he didn't know how to grip it properly to stop recoil.

In the video above, the Russian milblogger is showing how the Swedish-made AT4 is crap compared to the superior Russian alternative. One slight problem with his theory though, he had no idea how to use the weapon properly - or safely. And though his antics are several months old now, they just went viral again on the weekend as Smirnov became a TikTok and Twitter star.

Source: Defence Blog

The Youtube channel of Russian milblogger Alexey Smirnov, who goes by the name Krupnokalibernyy Perepolokh, suddenly drew numerous netizens’ attention to his unsuccessful attempt to make a shot with an AT4 anti-tank recoilless rifle manufactured by Swedish Saab.

Pro-Russian YouTuber has released a video in which he tried to compare different types of Russian RPG rocket launchers with the legendary Swedish AT4.

Smirnov attempted to fire the AT4 but was struck in the face by a Western-made lightweight, shoulder-fired recoilless anti-tank weapon – and it seems he never understood what was wrong.

The Russian “expert” said that the NATO weapon is a “piece of sh*t”.

On Twitter, numerous users ironically commented that the blogger had not “read the f*cking manual” before use and did not understand why there was a forward folding hand grip.

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