Scott Walker: Darn Those Meddling Kids!

Scott Walker blames young people and "liberal indoctrination" for the Republicans being losers.

After his losing Tuesday's election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Dan Kelly was a very poor loser when he gave his misogynistic non-concession speech. But he wasn't even the biggest loser of the day.

That title falls to former governor Scott Walker. On Tuesday, Walker saw not one, but two, of his politically appointed judges go down in flames. And with the supreme court now flipping over to progressive hands, Walker is looking at the beginning of the end of his depraved legacy, including the extreme gerrymandering, the restoration of reproductive healthcare for women, and the restoration of voters rights. The one that must hurt Walker the most is the possible overturning of Act 10 and Right to Work, leading to the return of the unions. If you recall, that was his only talking point in his failed presidential bid.

Obviously, Walker had to find a scapegoat rather than admit that people are rejecting the Republicans' fascism. He decided to blame those meddling, voting kids who had years and years of "liberal indoctrination." At least that's what he said when he went on Fox to discuss the shellacking the Republicans took on Tuesday. He added that all that the kids hear is the liberal viewpoint and they don't have a chance to hear the other side.

Obviously, there's a lot wrong with Walker's overly simplistic explanation.

One, is that he forgets that the state, while under his watch, made colleges allow conservative speakers and for the kids having to watch them, or at least not disrupt them with their own free speech.

Secondly, he forgets that the Republicans have been steadily losing ground for years. Since 2016, Republicans have won only four statewide races that can't be affected by their gerrymandering. Four. And, of course, one of the biggest losers of those elections was Walker himself.

Lastly, Walker can hardly blame it on liberal indoctrination. Look at what is happening in Tennessee. Thousands of kids have been making the trip to the capitol to demand reasonable gun safety laws. They aren't doing this because of some liberal indoctrination program. They are doing this because they are scared and fed up with living in fear that they could be the next victims of a mass school shooting. And who can blame them?

But instead of even looking for solutions to the problems facing the country, Republicans are happy to just pocket their stipend from the NRA (or Big Oil or Big Business) and offer up their meaningless thoughts and prayers. Or even worse, as they just did in Tennessee, disenfranchise voters and take their rights away.

When SCOTUS overruled Roe v Wade, that was the catalyst which set the country on fire and got people motivated to make a change. And let's all hope that momentum keeps going for a long, long time. There's a lot of damage that needs to be undone.

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