Students Walk Out Of School In Nashville To Demand Gun Reform

We're on your side, kids. On the other side, not so much.

Just one week ago today, a shooter (I don't want to have his name glorified) opened fire in the Covenant School, murdering six people. Nothing has changed, and it's doubtful that anything will change. It's as if Republicans don't mind putting targets on children's backs.

So, organizers of the walkout called for students to leave their classes Monday at 10:13 a.m. and head to the Capitol for action on gun violence in Tennessee.

WKRN reports:

March for Our Lives, a nonprofit group advocating for action on gun violence formed after the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, called for Nashville students to walk out of their classrooms to "demand gun safety" of their legislators.

Students carried signs and read a list of those killed in The Covenant School shooting one week ago.

Speakers addressed the crowd from a podium before it moved into the Capitol building.

I love seeing young people making a stand. However, the media and Republicans treat Trump's surrender to New York as more important than children's lives. What's it going to take for some change?

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