GOP Senators Loudly Defend Trump

"New York jury" was one of the favorite deflections.

I'm sure they tell themselves they're just doing what they need to survive, but how the hell do you rationalize support for someone who was just got a guilty verdict for sexual assault? Here's how those heroic Republican senators responded to yesterday's news. Via HuffPost:

“You never like to hear a former president has been found in civil court guilty of those types of actions,” Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) said. When asked if he could support someone found liable for battery, Rounds said, “I would have a difficult time doing so.” He then heaped praise on Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who is expected to enter the 2024 presidential race.

It would be "difficult," but of course he'll do it.

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said he would “rather have a president that isn’t found liable for battery,” but he, too, stopped short of ruling out supporting Trump in the future if it’s a choice between Trump and Joe Biden.

“It’s not a disqualifier, but it’s certainly not a check in the plus column,” Cramer added of Trump being found liable for sexual battery.

"Certainly not a check in the plus column." Brave, brave Kevin Cramer!

Only Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), one of the Republican Party’s loudest Trump critics, reiterated that it is long past time for the GOP to turn the page on Trump.

“The jury reached their decision and I hope the jury of the American people reach the same conclusion: we need a different nominee to be the nominee for president. He is in no position to be the president of the United States,” Romney said.

Notice Noble Mitt never says he won't vote for him.

Watch the Order of The Boot Licking in action:

They care about what this does to their own reelections and fundraising, because the Republican Party is so throughly corrupted and debased by its association with Trump, they can't even bring themselves to attack a known sex assaulter.

Should be an interesting discussion with the wives and kids!

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