Fox Host: Hunter Biden Is A Distraction

Fox regular Juan Williams described accurately just what we're seeing from Republicans with this drummed up Hunter Biden witch hunt.

Fox regular Juan Williams described accurately just what we're seeing from Republicans with this drummed up Hunter Biden witch hunt. During the panel segment on this weekend's Fox News Sunday, after first allowing the corrupt and disgraced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to carry on about how corrupt the entire Biden family supposedly is, and to push the latest list of unproven accusations from Republicans, host Shannon Bream said this to Williams:

BREAM: Well, Democrats on The Hill say that there's been a lot of bluster there about these family relationships and the money, but they say so far it has proven nothing wrong. Now we have this letter from Senator Grassley, Congressman Comer, to the FBI and to the DOJ saying this, based on disclosures from a highly credible whistleblower, it's come to our attention DOJ and FBI possess an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.

Juan, it's an accusation. We have no idea what that form says.

Williams actually did a fairly decent job of pushing back against this nonsense, much to the dismay of Gingrich and Bream:

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Correct. I think you - you're on the money, Shannon. And what Senator Grassley said, we don't know -- he doesn't know if it's true or untrue. So, what do we have here? We have more innuendo, we have more distractions, it seems to me, from Trump's legal troubles, which are everywhere but which clearly we are persuading the Republican side an agenda of saying, you know what, Biden, you've - you put out your tax records for the last 25 years but, oh, Newt says millions have flow - you know, we don't have any reason to say that.

But everything is done. We know Hunter Biden's an addict. We know he's an alcoholic. We know he's had sex addiction problems. We know he's not the son that you would have. But Joe Biden has acted as a father trying to protect his son and trying to help his son. I don't think anyone's going to fault him for that.

But you compare that to the graft and the grifting for Trump golf courses, Trump hotels, Chinese shoe deals with the daughter, the son-in-law getting billions from the Saudis. It's unbelievable. Even this week you have to compare it to the trouble we've heard about in New York with a sexual assault case against Trump. But this is what Hunter Biden has come down to now. He is a distraction, a shield against all the trouble that Trump is experiencing.

After Gingrich continued pushing the right-wing talking points about Hunter Biden's business deals, Williams again reminded them of the double standard with the Trumps that Republicans all could care less about:

WILLIAMS: What does that say -- is that an attack on - is that on a -- you're attacking the president?


WILLIAMS: He's not the president. He's the son.

GINGRICH: No, I'm just saying, given your description of Hunter -

BREAM: But - but you were also talking about -

WILLIAMS: What I'm saying to you is that nepotism is not a crime.

GINGRICH: Wait a second.

WILLIAMS: You look at the nepotism in every president and everything in this family, but that's not a crime.

BREAM: But, Juan, you - you brought up the Trump family. So, is there a double standard here?

WILLIAMS: When I call out the Trump family?

BREAM: Well, you're saying that - look at Hunter Biden because --

WILLIAMS: What I know about - I know -- I don't know about - look, I think you have a son, Joe Biden's son Hunter, who might make some business deals. Newt describes this as millions flowing to the family. Kind of an, you know, amorphous. But I know specifically of $2 billion that went to Jared Kushner. Nobody's going to argue about that.

BREAM: All right. We're --

GINGRICH: But my only point is, if you listen to his description of Hunter, why would anyone invest in Hunter? They were investing in Joe.

At that point, Bream had about all she could take, admitted they don't actually know anything because they haven't seen any documents yet, and ended the segment. They really don't like it on there when anyone reminds the audience that the Trumps are a bunch of crooks and that the only nepotism or criminality they ever care about is when it involves someone with a D behind their name.

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