Dark Brandon Won't Let SCOTUS Stop Student Debt Relief

President Joe Biden already has a new plan to help middle class Americans drowning in student debt, no thanks to the Supreme Court and their benefactors.

The Biden administration was clearly prepared for the Supreme Court decision to re-bury middle-class Americans in student debt because no sooner was the SCOTUS ruling announced than the administration revealed its new path forward.

You can read the details of Biden’s new plan here. But make sure to also enjoy him blasting the fat cats who pretend student loan relief is a giveaway to the privileged.

“I love the concern for the privileged,” Biden said with a sarcastic chuckle. He didn’t mention how privileged the conservative wing of the court is but he didn’t really have to given all the publicity about how they are raking in the undisclosed gifts, luxury travel and more from their wealthy pals hoping – and getting - favorable rulings.

“But I know who the student loan borrowers are in this country, so do all of you,” Biden continued. He cited a couple putting off having a child and young people putting off buying their first home because of their debt burden, as examples. In other words, people who don’t have mega-wealthy buddies willing to buy them houses or pay their tuition.

Hope was on the horizon with his debt-relief plan until “today’s court decision snatched it away from them,” Biden said. “I get it, I get it.”

But while the decision has closed one path, Biden promised Americans he’d “pursue another,” using “every tool at our disposal to get you the student debt relief you need and reach your dreams. … We’re gonna get this done, God willing.”

Also, it’s not just good for the debtors. He pointed out that enabling younger people to have children, buy homes and have more income available is good for the economy and good for the country.

After he concluded his remarks, a reporter, probably from Fox News or a similar right-wing outfit, shouted to Biden, “why did you give millions of borrowers false hope? You doubted your own authority here in the past.”

Biden shot back that he had not given any false hope. “The question was whether or not if I would do even more than was requested. What I did I thought was appropriate and was able to be done and would get done.”

Then he did the smart thing and turned the issue back where it belonged: “I didn't give borrowers false hope but the Republicans snatched away the hope that they were given and it’s real. Real hope.”

Another probable right-winger “asked” if he had overstepped his authority with his original debt-relief plan.

“I think the court misinterpreted the Constitution,” Biden replied.

The only thing missing was him whipping out his Dark Brandon sunglasses as he left the room.

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