Fox News Blames Buttigieg Personally For I-95 Bridge Collapse
They're scared to death of a competent Democrat that's good at their job.
They're scared to death of a competent Democrat who's good at their job. The bridge collapse on Pilly's I-95 was repaired on record time, so naturally a week later we're treated to this idiocy on Fox "news."
While complaining about everything from a tweet posted by the FAA about unruly passengers, to flight delays, to not having somewhere comfortable to sleep at the airport, and attacking Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for not “coming forward and saying here is the problem and here's what we're going to tackle it,” the crew on Fox's Outnumbered went at former Mayor Pete for supposedly not being qualified for his job, and for not somehow personally forcing the airlines to be more prepared for delays caused by weather conditions.
It amazes me that the network full of people who claim that government regulations are the root of all evil and that private industry should be left to regulate themselves now is now clamoring for dictatorial powers for the Transportation Secretary.
I have to say though, the comments by panel member Dr. Janette Nesheiwat took the cake this Friday for most idiotic of all of the guests on this Friday's show.
NESHEIWAT: You know, this sort of reminds me if the third wave of the COVID pandemic. You would think we would learn our lesson by then, but no, we had no testing, we had a shortage of doctors and nurses. Same situation here. All we're hearing is excuses.
We've seen at Christmas, thousands of flights that were canceled and delayed. We see the railroad derailments that are happening on a constant basis, and then of course what's happening most recently. Look what happened in Philadelphia. The roads have collapsed and that's because you have a Secretary, a Transportation Secretary that has little to no experience in what he's doing and understanding the nation's infrastructure when it comes to transportation.
And so, until we have effective leadership, you know, someone that understands the importance of strategic planning and collaborating with the states and the communities and understanding their needs, then we're going to continue to see these catastrophic events.
Nesheiwat received the treatment she deserves with some of the responses to her remark on Twitter.