UPDATED: House GOPer Calls For Civil War Over Trump Indictment

Hello, FBI? We need to talk.

Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins (R) tweeted out an ominous coded tweet, apparently calling for a civil war after his hero Donald Trump was indicted again. And Higgins really should get used to this because there is a very high probability of Trump being indicted in Georgia, and for his role in the Jan. 6th insurrection, too.

Higgins referenced Trump's Truth Social post in which the former President confirmed that he was "summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM."

The Louisiana Republican on the Homeland Security Committee mentions a "perimeter from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS has this."

rPOTUS is Q-talk for Real POTUS.

Here's the rest of the breakdown:

Someone needs to call the FBI on that chud. If this happened on our side of the aisle, they'd be screaming for the perpetrator to be stripped from their committees, and the calls to resign would be deafening.

UPDATE: Biggs has doubled down:

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