GOP's Effort To Censure Schiff For Criticizing Trump Blocked

It's bipartisan.

20 Republicans joined Democrats in tabling Rep. Anna Paulina Luna's measure to censure Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff for having the audacity to criticize former President Donald Trump. The nerve. She sought to censure Schiff and fine him a whopping $16 million. Sounds crazy? Well, this is today's Republican party.

Via Roll Call:

It said Trump's first impeachment, in which Schiff was a prosecutor, was premised on false allegations.

The motion was tabled in a 225-196 vote, with two Republicans and five Democrats voting present.

The resolution stated that Schiff "purposely deceived his Committee, Congress, and the American people" and "behaved dishonestly and dishonorably on many other occasions, including by falsely denying that his staff coordinated with a whistleblower to launch the first impeachment of President Trump."

It added that if an Ethics Committee investigation finds that Schiff "lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information," he should be fined $16 million and be censured in the well of the House.

If she thinks Schiff abused sensitive information, wait until she hears about the twice-impeached, twice-indicted former President.

In a CNN interview on Wednesday, Schiff called the resolution a "grab bag of Fox attacks," referring to the conservative news network.

"This is really an effort at the end of the day to distract from Donald Trump's legal problems, to gratify Donald Trump by going after someone they feel was his most effective adversary. I'm flattered by it," he said. "But the fact that Speaker [Kevin] McCarthy would take up this MAGA resolution when we have so many pressing challenges before the country is really a terrible abuse of House resources."

Republicans are incapable of governing with Trump at the helm of their party. They can only attack people and things, but they cannot govern. MAGA is in its death throes, and Republicans will have to let go of their deranged leader at some point. He's taking them down with him. And that's OK wth me, too.

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