WATCH School Board Member Unleash Truth On Homophobes

LA Unified school board member Jackie Goldberg delivers a very powerful message to the Glendale homophobes.

A group of homophobes in Glendale had a horrific meltdown because they didn't like one sentence in one book at one school in the Glendale Unified School District.

LAUSD School District Board member Jackie Goldberg addressed this issue and rained hellfire down upon them, righteously so:

I read you the entire book. It had one sentence. Families can have two parents that are mothers and two parents that are fathers. They were told, the parents at that school, that if it was very difficult for their children to be in that room, they didn't have to be in that room. They announced the assembly, told all the parents if this is a problem for you, we get it. I have been confronting this issue my entire life. I have been threatened, I have been harassed, I have been denied jobs, because of who I am and whom I love. You don't have to love me. You don't have to like me. You can think I am the devil incarnate. But you better treat me like a decent human being because that's how I treat you even though you don't believe I have the right to exist. I am very tired of having young people and adults in the LGBT community hear three days of yelling and screaming about this. What do you think that did to them? What do you think that did to every gay teacher, every gay custodian, every gay person in this city? Every gay kid? IT MADE THEM AFRAID! IT MADE THEM AFRAID! HOW DARE YOU MAKE THEM AFRAID BECAUSE YOU ARE!!

It makes me just want to hop a plane to Los Angeles to thank Ms Goldberg and shake her hand.

What I am waiting for is for someone try to rationalize why a book that reflects honestly on interpersonal relationships is such a detriment to the wellbeing of their children, but a lunatic with an AR-15 isn't. No one ever died by a drive-by reading. A good parent wants to keep their kids alive, not keep them ignorant.

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