Jen Psaki: 'Sometimes Truth Really Is No Stranger Than Fiction'
MSNBC's Jen Psaki with a "little trip down memory lane" on Trump and the "but her emails" crowd.
MSNBC's Jen Psaki with a "little trip down memory lane" on Trump and the "but her emails" crowd. After showing numerous clips of Trump back in 2016 ranting and raving about Hillary Clinton, and promising to protect classified information, Psaki reminded everyone why the nonstop deflection to protect Trump we've been hearing from the right is nonsense.
PSAKI: I mean, he sounds pretty protective of classified information. They're committed to it. There is hypocrisy, and there is what you just saw there. Fast forward to present day. This is rhetoric we've continued to hear from the Republican party following Trump's indictment.
What about Hillary Clinton? Or to keep the 2016 rhetoric going, but her emails? Aside from this being hypocritical, which we come to expect from Donald Trump in some members of the Republican party, it is simply inaccurate. It's totally wrong.
Yes Hillary Clinton's case concerned her use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State, which by the way her predecessors also had, and there was classified information which was found on some of those emails.
But prosecutors concluded there was no evidence that she knew the emails contain classified information at all. Donald Trump admitted he knew he had classified information in documents on a tape. Hillary Clinton also turned over her private email server to the Justice Department as soon as she was asked.
Donald Trump, as spelled out page after page in this very indictment went out of his way to hide and to keep classified information.
So it really is quite something. It takes some chutzpah that Donald Trump's rise to the White House was fueled in part by this by this furor over, that he created himself, over Hillary Clinton's handling of sensitive information.
And now what he's accused of doing is far worse. He led relentless chant to lock her up. Now he's preparing for his own second court appearance in just two months. He insisted ad nauseam that we enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information.
Well from his lips to special counsel Jack Smith's ears. Those words are now evidence in the federal indictment against him. Sometimes truth really is no stranger than fiction.
As I already discussed here, The Washington Post also took apart the false equivalencies we've been hearing from the right on why Trump was charged and not Clinton.
Good for Psaki, but don't expect any of this to penetrate the right wing media bubble any time soon, if ever.