Look Who's Bragging About Ending Roe V Wade

According to polls, that's not the flex you think it is, Seb.

Let's hope the orange shitgibbon is wearing an ankle bracelet and is disqualified from running under whatever amendment it takes for the sake of our democracy.

Still, politically, Seb Gorka is not helping his personal god win any general elections here:

SEB GORKA: The most pro-life president in history, the only, not Ronald Reagan, not George Bush. Only my former boss, President Trump, addressed the March for Life as president and spoke of "the sanctity of the unborn child." And he's the man who gave us the Supreme Court Associate Justices who did something. As a cradle Catholic, I thought would never happen in my lifetime, all the work of the March for Life. President Trump's Associate Supreme Court Justices struck down that garbage law Roe v Wade. And gives us a chance to win. But can we win as long as there is persecution of the pro-life activists?

As C&L readers know, ketchup thrower made a quid pro quo deal with evangelicals that he would appoint their anti-choice people in exchange for their ignoring his sex assault cases and all those abortions he paid for in the '80s.

And Seb Gorka is unemployable except on Newsmax. The man couldn't be trusted with the Mar A Lago pool draining, and that's saying something.

But keep fking that chicken, Seb! Your party is getting flushed by GenZ voters and anyone with an active uterus.

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