Morning Joe Panel Urges Trump To Make A Plea Deal

They would rather see him plead guilty in exchange for an agreement that he would stay out of public office.

The Morning Joe crew talked about how Trump could still save himself by accepting a plea deal now.

"Any attorney that looked at the evidence would sit him down, anybody would sit him down and say, listen, I know you think the judge is going to do your bidding, just like you thought the Supreme Court justices were going to do your bidding, they're not at the end of the day," Joe Scarborough said.

"If they get you even on one count, you're in prison for the rest of your life, for the rest of your life. Let me talk to the prosecutor. Let's figure out a plea deal here. I know it's not perfect. I know you may have to back down, but you have one other choice, and that is going to jail for the rest of your life. I can strike that deal now. I can't do it six months from now. I can do it now, though. Any lawyer that I know that has half a brain would have that conversation with the client."

"Yeah, and it's not that hard. Well, it is a hard conversation to have with Donald Trump, but the fact of the matter is, all you have to do is look at what does the government need to prove to go 37 for 37 on this indictment," George Conway said.

"It is that he had the documents. Well, there is no -- he knew he had the documents. Check. And he was asked for the documents back by the government. Check. He didn't give the documents back when he was asked for them, and they had to come to seize them. Check. And then he was moving them around to hide them. Check. And he lied. He caused people to lie to the government. Which of these facts is he going to dispute, and the answer is he can't dispute any of them."

"And the problem is, they've got him on tape. They've got them talking to his aides, everything, they have him. so that's why i say he really needs to plead if he wants to stay out of jail for the rest of his life," Scarborough said.

"I think he would have the prosecutor here, a plea guilty would be Trump pleading guilty and he could no longer be president of the United States. That would be a political compromise, except for the far left," John Heileman said.

He said that while many people want to see Trump in jail, many people in the country would accept a plea deal if it kept him out of the White House forever.

"That's a deal that people would live with. There would be some letdown, he's not going to jail but is never going to be back in the White House again, that would be very quickly a broadly accepted deal by most of the country."

"There's no question that the right legal move is to plead if you want to avoid jail time. I mean, unless something strange happens, he's getting convicted. This is an incredibly strong case. If you want to avoid jail, there's precedent for if he pleads, he can get a deal like General Petraeus had, he avoided jail," attorney Andrew Weissman said.

Yeah, but they're talking about normal people. I don't see Trump ever admitting anything publicly. Nope. Not gonna happen.

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