Nancy Mace Endorses Bus Project She Voted Against

She voted against the funding but showed up at the press conference to take credit anyway.

She voted against the funding but showed up at the press conference to take credit anyway.

Source: Post and Courier

NORTH CHARLESTON — A routine press conference on a federal grant for Charleston’s bus system put Republican U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace on the defensive after Democrats pounced on the fact she actually voted against the bill that made it happen.

While Mace voted against the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, even calling it a “fiasco” and “socialist wish list,” she appeared at the June 28 press event in support of the local effort.

The law brought a nearly $26 million grant for a regional transit hub and will help the Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority transition to a fully electric bus fleet by 2040.

Mace, who joined the majority of Republicans who opposed the bill, defended her support for the transit center by saying anything that benefits the Charleston area, minus the politics, she backs.

“What do you want me to do, turn my back on the Lowcountry when we get funding for public transit? Absolutely not,” Mace said when asked about the optics of the moment.

Twitter with the explainer note on her crass antics.

Ever the diplomat, Pete Buttigieg with more class than Nancy Mace will ever have.

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