Prosecutors To Ask Grand Jury To Indict Trump On Espionage Act

Jack Smith isn't f*cking around.

It's obvious that Donald Trump is about to be slapped silly with indictments after his attorneys failed to secure a deal for the former President at the Justice Department Monday morning. And then we learned that Mark Meadows, the final White House chief of staff under Trump, has testified before a federal grand jury in special counsel Jack Smith's investigations.

Meadows flipped, according to reports:

It gets worse for the one-term President. According to The Independent, prosecutors are prepared to ask grand jurors to vote on charges as early as Thursday, and the DOJ is preparing to ask a D.C. grand jury to indict Trump for violating the Espionage Act and for obstruction of justice.

The Independent reports:

The Independent has learned that prosecutors are ready to ask grand jurors to approve an indictment against Mr. Trump for violating a portion of the U.S. criminal code known as Section 793, which prohibits "gathering, transmitting or losing" any "information respecting the national defense."

The use of Section 793, which does not make reference to classified information, is understood to be a strategic decision by prosecutors that has been made to short-circuit Mr. Trump's ability to claim that he used his authority as president to declassify documents he removed from the White House and kept at his Palm Beach, Florida property long after his term expired on 20 January 2021.

Violating the Espionage Act is punishable by a maximum fine of $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 20 years.

It is understood that prosecutors intend to ask grand jurors to vote on the indictment on Thursday, but that vote could be delayed as much as a week until the next meeting of the grand jury to allow for a complete presentation of evidence, or to allow investigators to gather more evidence for presentation of necessary.

Trump threw a massive hissy fit earlier, calling them "fake investigations," but it seems very real to the rest of us -- especially to Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Lumpy also called it election interference, even though that fool is only running to stay out of prison. In 2019, Trump said The Constitution says "I can do whatever I want as President." He was wrong. but at least he's consistent.

Trump lashed out on Truth Social again.

"No one has told me I’m being indicted, and I shouldn’t be because I’ve done NOTHING wrong, but I have assumed for years that I am a Target of the WEAPONIZED DOJ & FBI, starting with the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, the “No Collusion” Mueller Report, Impeachment HOAX #1, Impeachment HOAX #2, the PERFECT Ukraine phone call, and various other SCAMS & WITCH HUNTS," he screamed into the void. "A TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE & ELECTION INTERFERENCE AT A LEVEL NEVER SEEN BEFORE. REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS MUST MAKE THIS THEIR # 1 ISSUE!!!"

He knows.

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