Alabama Ordered To Create Black District: 'It's Too Hard!'

The Republican majority House and Senate in Alabama apparently can't and won't draw maps to meet the standard imposed by a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Alabama has a lot of Black folks. Alabama Republicans don't think they deserve further representation. And today they will "flip off" the Supreme Court of the United States. Once they fail to do their sworn duties, a federal-appointed special master will take over the map drawing for them. If Alabama Republicans had any integrity at all there'd be a mass resignation of them later today.

"The House map includes a second district that is 42% Black, while the Senate map includes a district that is 38% Black. Lawmakers are expected to meet Friday in a conference committee to select one of those maps, or a compromise." You'd think that maybe not breaking the law would be a decent enough incentive.

Source: NBC News

Alabama Republicans rejected calls to draw a second majority-Black congressional district this week, instead creating maps that Democrats and advocates say completely ignore a recent ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court.

A federal court ordered the state to redraw its congressional map last year to include two districts where Black voters make up voting-age majorities, “or something quite close to it.” The Supreme Court affirmed the ruling this year, prompting the Legislature to call a special session to redraw the map this week.

But on Friday, the Republican-controlled Legislature is poised to pass a map with just one majority-Black seat. They're currently considering two drafts: The House map includes a second district that is 42% Black, while the Senate map includes a district that is 38% Black. Lawmakers are expected to meet Friday in conference committee to select one of those maps, or a compromise.

Neither would give Black voters a real shot at winning congressional seats, Democrats and advocates said in interviews and floor debates.

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