Ron Johnson Continues His Pity Party For The GQP

Senator Ron Johnson continues to cry about how Hunter Biden is being treated with favoritism even as he is facing trial.

Senator Ron Johnson (Q - Moscow) issued a press release bragging about how he went on the air last night with Laura Ingraham to whine about Hunter Biden and smear the entire Biden family. However, instead of his usual pity party, he added a healthy dose of projectionism, by claiming that Democrats get away with everything but Republicans have to toe the line because they can't get away with anything:

“Well, my concern there is it’s very difficult to convict a Democrat in Washington, D.C. under the FARA statute. So you can convict Republicans, but convicting a Democrat is pretty difficult here in this jurisdiction. You know, they should mostly be concerned about the tax evasion. An excellent article by Eileen O’Connor in The Wall Street Journal, I think it was yesterday, she was former head of the tax division at the Department of Justice, saying that any other American would be in jail had they evaded taxes the way that Hunter Biden does. What I’ve been looking for Laura, is who is going to advocate for the equal application of justice under the law. You know, obviously, the prosecution has not been doing that. I was hoping the judge would do it. I hope she still will by just rejecting this sweetheart deal and call for a thorough investigation and an honest prosecution, because we have not had that yet. And that’s what I think Hunter ought to be most concerned about is a thorough investigation and an honest prosecution.”

Yeah, prisons are just full of rich Republicans who were skipping on their taxes. Especially if their last name is Trump, amirite? Hell, Killer Kyle Rittenhouse showed us that the right can literally get away with murder. Or in RoJo's case, even treason.

But wait, there's more. There's always more.

RoJo and Ingraham then went into just how horrible and corrupt the Biden family is. RoJo said that he would like to see the House hold investigations into Biden, with a possible impeachment in mind (emphasis mine):

“No, I think there have been a lot more details coming out. I’ve always felt that Joe Biden was unfit for office. Certainly, Senator Grassley and I, in our report, we showed all the vast web of foreign financial entanglements. He never should have been elected. He wouldn’t have been if the press would have been honest. But at this point, the House now is just adding to the record we developed. More details, more things that tie President Biden to Hunter Biden’s corrupt grifts, and it’s just sick to listen to the mainstream media say, ‘oh, there is no evidence,’ there is a ton of evidence, and it’s mounting each and every day. So I hope the House does proceed with an investigative inquiry. I think it’ll open up more evidence to them and give them greater power to do the type of investigation that really needs to be done here, because the FBI and the Department of Justice obviously are not doing that thorough investigation.”

Gee, just this week, RoJo just admitted that he doesn't know if their "tons of evidence" even exists, much less is true.

This is probably why RoJo sticks to the safe places like Fox and the other propagandists. Real reporters would, and have, called him out on his bullshit doubletalk.

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