Ron Johnson Not Willing To Put His Money Where His Mouth Is
Senator Ron Johnson claims he wants to save Social Security but he doesn't want to pay for it.
It's a well known fact that Senator Ron Johnson wants to cut Social Security and even privatize it. However, despite this being common knowledge, RoJo keeps up the pretense that he really, really wants to save it.
The answer to the Social Security issue is simple - make the rich pay their fair share. Right now, they only pay up to a certain amount of income and don't have to pay any more no matter how much money they make, often off the backs of their employees.
But when push came to shove, RoJo showed his true colors again and sided with the rich:
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson came under fire Wednesday after the multimillionaire Wisconsin Republican asserted during a Senate hearing that Social Security—an economic lifeline for tens of millions of Americans who paid into the system throughout their working lives—unfairly takes from wealthier people to support lower-income retirees.
Speaking during the Senate Budget Committee hearing—entitled Protecting Social Security for All: Making the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share—Johnson said that his Wisconsin constituents "have a basic misconception about Social Security."
Johnson—one of the wealthiest U.S. senators, according to the watchdog OpenSecrets—derided Social Security, a key New Deal program, as a "nanny state" scheme enacted because the government doesn't trust Americans to save for retirement on their own.
"Most people think, 'Well, that's my money,' and, in fact, part of it is," the senator continued. "If you're in a low-income group, you're getting a lot more in return than you invested in... If you're in the high-income, you're not getting what you paid in."
The only misconception that anyone in Wisconsin might have is that RoJo actually gives a damn about anyone or anything but his rich friends and his own money.