Freedom Caucus: Let The Precious Go, Or We Crash The Economy
They demand that all charges be dropped against Trump. How stupid can you get?
They so principled, aren't they? Via the Daily Beast:
The House Freedom Caucus issued a series of ultimatums Monday, outlining the demands it wants met before the right-wing group’s members will support a measure to raise the U.S. debt ceiling and continue to fund the federal government.
Among them: an end to the myriad criminal cases pending against former President Donald Trump (and the so-called “weaponization” of the Justice Department against conservatives), as well as ensured passage of a draconian immigration law and an amorphous demand to end “woke” policies in the U.S. military.
“Furthermore, we will oppose any attempt by Washington to revert to its old playbook of using a series of short-term funding extensions designed to push Congress up against a December deadline to force the passage of yet another monstrous, budget busting, pork filled, lobbyist handout omnibus spending bill at year’s end.”