Jesse Watters Flips Out Over Biden On The Weather Channel

Jesse Watters and guest claim Joe Biden's Weather Channel interview was a “secret signal” to Hunter Biden's business partners.

It appears Fox News brass has dictated that every segment on Fox primetime must have a Hunter Biden link.

So Jesse Watters and his frat buddy Charles Hurt have a good laugh over President Biden appearing on the Weather Channel.

As we ALL know, "The Weather Channel" is definitely woke and in the pocket of the deep state cabal that wants to take way YOUR gas stove. That's just science!

So Jesse and Charles guffaw that something something Weather Channel is beaming out CODE for Hunter Biden and the Biden cabal. (But if called on that, hey, "we're just joking.")

CHARLES HURT (CONTRIBUTOR): But the whole thing I think was a laugh and a wink and trying to make a mockery of the fact that you -- Remember that Dan Goldman said that only thing that Joe Biden talked about with Hunter Biden and all these business partners was the weather. I think that this is a secret signal to all of the business partners that we're going to stick with the story about the weather and if you get asked anything about it, if you get hauled before a committee in congress to answer, just say we talked about the weather.

JESSE WATTERS (HOST): The bat signal's gone out and this is why he can’t answer questions.

HURT: Exactly.

On topic, have you noticed that Fox doesn't brag about their ratings so much any more? It's because they can't.

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