Late Night Music Club: Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks
The hauntingly beautiful voice of Stevie Nicks joined with the southern twang of Tom Petty
Tonight's selection, Stop Draggin' My Heart Around, was totally unintentional. As I was considering different artists and songs, nothing really struck me. Either the sound was off, or the video quality was really poor, or it just didn't feel right. Then as I was bouncing from one idea to another, I stumbled across this classic. I've always liked Stevie Nicks. Heck, who doesn't? But when I saw that it was her collaboration with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, I was sold.
Nicks and Petty shared a special friendship where they were more like brother and sister than anything else. You can see that in this video, with the sly looks they give each other, which makes it all the more special.