Mike Lindell Speaker Claims Massive Voter Fraud In Deep Red State

Does Mike Lindell’s presenter know that Donald Trump won Missouri by 15 points?

Douglas Frank is an Ohio math teacher making a new career out of pushing serious-sounding but totally bogus election fraud theories, financed by My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell.

Of course, Frank turned up at Lindell’s “Election Crime Bureau” gathering this week with another round of “stolen election” BS. He claimed to have “explained” to the “head clerk of the state of Missouri” how their voter rolls were “being used to hack” their elections. Frank continued, “And after about 10 minutes, he just leans back and he says, ‘Yeah, we know we have tens of thousands of ballots being stuffed in our elections.’” According to Frank, the “head clerk” said he kept this secret because “the whole state would blow up and everyone would lose faith in our elections.”

It sounded like Frank’s talk went over well with the crowd that showed up but that’s not saying much. Lindell's event, scheduled just two days after Trump’s second indictment for trying to steal the 2020 presidential election, was reportedly poorly attended.

It got off to a bumbling start, too.

Trump was the big winner in Missouri in 2020. Does Frank really think the Democrats committed massive voter fraud that never came close to giving them a win? If there was massive voter fraud in that state (big if), it would more likely have come from the guy who exaggerates everything, trying to fluff up those numbers, too.

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