Protester Gives Perfect Response When Navarro Tries To Grab Her Sign

I want to buy her a drink.

Is it any surprise that a former Trump official would try to grab something that's not his without consent? Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro found himself inundated with legal issues after defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee last year, which landed him in court Wednesday. Judge Amit Mehta called his case "pretty weak sauce" when he argued that former President Trump had invoked executive privilege that barred him from cooperating.

While talking to reporters, Navorro tried to swipe a protester's "Trump lost, and you know it sign," and her response was perfect.

"Where's the CNN?" Navarro asked, presumably to lash out at the media. "CNN here? Is CNN here? Anybody want to own up to that?"

"Hero!" the protestor with the sign said behind him just before he tried to rip it from her hands.

"Bro, you're already facing charges," she said. "Go ahead and commit another crime."

Her sign. Her choice.

Navarro didn't take that well.

“This is the problem we have in America. Like, she’s got, ‘Trump Lost,’ and, you know, that’s fine. She’s expressing her point of view,” Navarro said, according to The Hill.

“She’s got a megaphone to disrupt. But when it comes time for me to express my view with you, you’ve seen what she’s done," he continued. "She’s interrupted me while I was speaking. And she won’t even let an American show the American flag.”

“Shame on you, ma’am,” he added after trying to destroy her property.

According to the outlet, a Navarro supporter tried to show support by standing behind him and waving a small American flag in front of the anti-Trump sign. And that made me snort-laugh.

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