Wisconsin GQP Keep The Big Lie Alive During Wolfe Hunt
The Wisconsin GQP spent a whole day reliving The Big Lie in an effort to fire the Wisconsin election chief.

The Big Lie is alive and well in the warped minds of the Wisconsin GQP. Along with this skewed mindset, they chose Meagan Wolfe, the administrator of the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) to be their scapegoat. In their minds, the fact that they lost the election was all her fault and thus, she had to be punished. The GQP concocted a scheme to go on a Wolfe hunt and fire her.. But then the Democratic commissioners took a page from the Republican's playbook and outmaneuvered them, thereby protecting Wolfe from these Elmer Fudds.
But the state senate GQP went ahead and scheduled a hearing about her reappointment, despite the fact that she had indeed not been reappointed. Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul said that they couldn't do that. The state legislature's own attorneys told them that they can't do this. But the GQP are as crazy as shithouse rats and don't care about no reality, so they went ahead with their hearing on Tuesday.
It was quite the shitshow. They allowed a few county election clerks speak in favor of Wolfe. But the rest of the "witnesses" were election deniers and conspiracy nuts. There was Mike Gableman, an election denier who spent a year and $3 million to come up with nothing more than contempt of court charges for not keeping records of his 'investigation". Their other star witness was Peter Bernegger, a convicted felon whom police are investigating for possibly stalking Wolfe.
After all was said and done, and the GQP thoroughly beclowned themselves, the two state senators responsible for this debacle, Devin LeMahieu and Dan Knodl, decided that they are undecided on when or even if they are going to hold an irrelevant vote about Wolfe's future.
While Knodl is undecided on whether and when the committee will vote on Wolfe's confirmation, he said the committee would make decisions "promptly" on a handful of bipartisan election bills that were also on the agenda.
LeMahieu did not respond to questions Tuesday about the attorneys' memo and when the full Senate would take up her confirmation.
As a Wisconsin voter, let me tell you, I don't know if I'll ever have full trust in the integrity of our elections as long as these GQP nut jobs are in office.