Breitbart Commenters Call Jimmy Buffett... A Stalinist Nazi?

Headin' out to San Francisco...For the Labor Day weekend show...And Breitbart commenters are true-to-form.

Jimmy Buffett died this past week, and Breitbart gave him a conventional sendoff:

Singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett, who popularized beach bum soft rock with the escapist Caribbean-flavored song “Margaritaville” and turned that celebration of loafing into an empire of restaurants, resorts and frozen concoctions, has died. He was 76.

There's no mention of politics in the obituary. But Buffett was a Democrat, a fact that turns Breitbart's commenters insane with rage:


Loved his music. Detested his politics. I also hate that even in death he will continue to vote democrat.


Buffett did MAJOR fundraisers for the Democrats. PRIVATE FUNDRAISERS, with MAJOR donors. With entertainers like Buffett, EVERYTHING was about politics. Demented liberal politics.


He was a defiantly liberal lunatic.


... left wing totalitarianism is the issue. The left's belief that they should be able to dictate to others how to live their life and the left's repressive demand that they should be able to stamp out all dissent ARE THE MAIN THREATS TO THIS COUNTRY.


I liked Jimmy Buffett, but you can't say he wasn't a rabid left-wing democrat. With him, it WAS about politics.


I guess you've never heard him when he's not singing. He's a far-left America-hating, God-hating, Trump-hating ultra communist. And now he's complaining that there are no margaritas in hell.


He went political a while ago, but in 2016, he lost his damn mind!!! Maybe kept politics out of his music, but not out of his concerts. And for a guy so Hellbent against Capitalism, he amassed a fortune of 4.8 billion dollars.


That’s like Springsteen. His early stuff was great. But then Born to Run started bringing in the money and he suddenly started filling his music (and life) with liberal (pronounced evil’) songs and activities. I don’t listen to any of his stuff post-Born to Run.
Jimmy kept politics out of most of his music but constantly espoused his leftist opinions.
Amusing how it’s always after they make millions that celebrities start pushing leftist crap on the public.
If all these millionaire and billionaire celebrities gave 20% of their wealth to end poverty, America would be much more “equitable”... until the losers the rescued from poverty spent all their money, turned their homes into slums and went back to robbing and murdering.


Taylor Swift. she's almost a billionaire at 33 and is so liberal


I wish TDS [Trump Derangement Syndrome] had a much higher fatality rate.


And he reportedly required that his concert-goers either be jabbed or tested. That suggests that he, also, got jabbed. Oh well.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That's one of the reasons he was such a douchebag -- not only was he a far-left communist who hated America, but he was also a China Virus Vaccine Nazi.


Could be what led to his death. I had to get two jabs for work. Got Covid 7-9 weeks after each jab. Took me over a year to recover from the omicron variant. Brain didn't work correctly, couldn't remember songs, etc.
Government at its worst!!!


That was when my husband ceased to be a Parrothead.


He did fund raisers for Stacey Abrams in GA and Andrew Gillum in FL. That says all you need to know about him, another multi-millionaire hypocrite.


I didn’t realize he was a lefty. Too bad. How s h i tt y to die a lefty. He should’ve gone to confession.


Another pedo(Andrew Gillum) fan and Trump Hater is gone
Won't Miss Him


Wasted away much to long in Bidenritaville. good riddance..


... Any celebrity who engages in political causes (and Buffett was one) can be considered a political figure.
It is the left end of the political spectrum that began the DEHUMANIZATION of political opponents. It is the left that engaged in Stalinism, Leninism, Naziism and the resultant political persecutions, tortures, mass starvations and genocide throughout the 20th century.
For God’s sake, read a book


... Trump's going to win for the third time in 2024, Biden's going to go to prison for the rest of his short life, and leftists will continue to froth at the mouth like the psychotic lunatics they are. Life is great.


Will political comment sections on the left be like this when Clint Eastwood dies? Maybe, although there might be more reason for that, given the fact that Eastwood actually spoke at a Republican convention in prime time. In any case, this Breitbart tunnel vision is sad -- and it would be nice if these folks could learn the difference between liberalism and communism. But that will never happen, will it?

Republished with permission from No More Mister Nice Blog.

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