Charlie Kirk: Menendez Indictment Is Another Deep State Conspiracy

Indicting Sen. Menendez is just a ploy to make the DOJ look impartial, Kirk claims.

In Charlie Kirk’s mind, it doesn’t matter that the Department of Justice has significant evidence against Sen. Bob Menendez. Kirk even admitted later in this rant that Menendez “deserves” the indictment and that the DOJ did “a pretty good job” with it. All that is just part of the corrupt plot!

Kirk claimed that the “first, most obvious takeaway” is that the DOJ indicted Menendez “to create the appearance of impartiality so that they can continue their jihad against Donald Trump. So that under oath, they could say, ‘Well, as you can see, we have active indictments against Menendez and Hunter Biden, which gives us a mandate to go after Bannon and Donald Trump and Douglass Mackey,' etcetera, etcetera.”

Of course, Kirk doesn’t have any evidence to back up that conspiracy theory, other than the kind of corruption his own mind projects. And it’s not hard to imagine the non-stop poutrage spewing from Kirk and others in MAGA world had the DOJ not indicted Menendez.

But even if Kirk’s accusation is true, that has nothing to do with the evidence of guilt against any of the indicted parties. Which, by the way, is considerable.

But we know why Kirk cooked up this ridiculous conspiracy theory: because any entity threatening Dear Leader Trump must always be demonized, even when Kirk admits it has done a pretty good job

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