Fox Gives Ramaswamy A Pass On His Grifting

Who's shocked?

Republican candidate and grifter extraordinaire Vivek Ramaswamy made an appearance on Fox's America Reports this Friday, and they manged to talk about anything and everything other than the fact that this guy is a massive fraud who pumped and dumped his way into millions hyping drugs that had already failed FDA tests, and instead grilled him on foreign policy:

Fox News anchor John Roberts pressed Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy over his views on defending Taiwan from China during an interview Friday.

Ramaswamy has isolated himself from the rest of the GOP primary field on a number of key policy issues, including not supporting continued aide for Ukraine in its war against Russia, and a radical proposal to cede territory taken by Russia in eastern Ukraine in exchange for Moscow ending its military alliance with China.

The tech entrepreneur’s views on Taiwan are another example of his unique agenda.

Roberts confronted Ramaswamy over his stance that America should only support Taiwan because it produces semiconductors.

“You’ve said that you’d fully back Taiwan until the U.S. becomes independent with semiconductors. So what happens after that point? Do we just give Taiwan to China,” Roberts asked.

Ramaswamy responded by saying he'd resume “strategic ambiguity," which he claims is the policy of the United States right now, therefore it's alright for him to refuse to answer the question.

It was already obvious to anyone watching the debate and this guy being used as a punching bag on foreign policy that he's got some homework to do, but most of the GOP base could care less about that. They're a bunch of know nothings that were attracted to know nothing Trump. That said, I'm guessing they might not care too much for Ramaswamy and what he did to make his money if they were actually made aware of it.

Sadly, if Trump finally flames out after all of these indictments, this clown might be the next one Republicans turn to as their new leader, so of course Fox is going to treat him with kid gloves for the most part. What kills me is you can tell by the expression on both Sandra Smith and John Robert's faces while Ramaswamy was ranting that both of them think he's nuts.

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