Fox Host Gets The Vapors Over Biden 'Joke' About His Age

From the network that never said a peep during the Trump years while he was on vacation constantly.

From the network that never said a peep during the Trump years while he was on vacation constantly, here's Outnumbered cohost Tammy Bruce on Fox this Monday, griping that Biden hasn't personally visited every place there's a disaster in the United States quickly enough to suit them, before going into a tirade about comments the president made during a visit to Sheet Metal Workers' Local 19 on Labor Day in Philly.

First, here's the transcript of Biden that set her off:

AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Inaudible) have to be 89. You’ll live to be 90!

THE PRESIDENT: (Laughs.) (Makes the sign of the cross.) Oh — (laughter).

I tell you what, someone said, “You know, that Biden, he’s getting old, man. I tell you what.” Well, guess what? Guess what? I can — and, you know, the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom. I — but I — (applause) — I’ve been doing this longer than anybody. And guess what? I’m going to continue to do it with your help. (Applause.)

And here's Bruce's over the top response:

BRUCE: Yeah, there's a lot of people who would love to be growing old, like the thirteen dead service members in Afghanistan. They don't have that choice. A lot of people here, that, you know, waiting for members of their families that will never return home, as we build up forces again in the Middle East, as we have sent... building up forces near Korea and China, because he's lost control of the global world.

But he's joking about his age. Joking about he has no place to go. He's having a great time, as Americans are suffering every day.

I'm not sure which Americans she's talking about since most Americans are actually doing pretty well right now.

They're doing their best every day on Fox to try to turn Biden into Trump, whether it's accusing him of corruption when it's Trump that's actually corrupt, or accusing him of lacking empathy and taking too much time off, when that's what Trump did. They attack him for his age when he's not much older than Trump, and they attack him for being senile when the alternative to Biden (who is showing his age but not the doddering fool they continually try to paint him as) is a raving lunatic who belongs in prison and wants to destroy what's left of our democracy in America.

The amount of sheer vitriol from Bruce over something that was simply a response to a comment made at an event is something else. Here are some of the responses to her hatred on the social media site formerly known as Twitter:

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